RFHHA MasterCLASS - Risk Management in Healthcare

"Master the art of healthcare risk management and safeguard patient well-being with confidence and expertise."

Language: English

Validity Period: 14 days

₹3000 including GST


Why this course?


Healthcare risk management  is the process of identifying,  assessing, and mitigating  risks to patients, staff, and  the organization as a whole.  It is a critical component of  any healthcare organization,  and risk managers play vital role in protecting  patients and ensuring the  safety and quality of care.


This certificate course is  designed to provide you with  the knowledge and skills you  need to succeed in healthcare risk management  career. You will learn about  the different types of risks  that healthcare organizations  face, how to identify and  assess those risks, and how  to develop and implement  strategies to mitigate those  risks. You will also learn  about the ethical and legal  considerations involved in  healthcare risk management.


Benefits - 

  • Identify and assess the  different types of risks that  healthcare organizations face.
  • Develop and implement  strategies to mitigate risks.
  • Understand the ethical and  legal considerations involved  in healthcare risk  management.
  • Apply the principles of risk  management to real-world  scenarios.
  • Align hospital’s safety program with clear understanding of risks.
  • Achieve certification from  RFHHA

Course Curriculum

Welcome to the course
Risk Management - Sessions List
Risk Management - Sessions List
0 Before we begin & Course Intro
1. Module 1 - Fundamentals of Risk Management
1.1 Risks around us - Part 1
1.1 Risks around us - Part 2
1.1 Risks around us & Risk Maturity
1.2 Understanding Risks - Part 1
1.2 Understanding Risks - Part 2
1.2 Understanding Risks
1.3 Risk Context & Objectives of Risk Management
1.3 Risk Context & Objectives of Risk management
1.4 Risk Assessment - Part 1
1.4 Risk Assessment - Part 2
1.4 Risk Assessment - Part 3
1.4 Risk Assessment
1.5 Risk Action - Risk Treatment & Risk Resilience
1.5 Risk Action - Risk Treatment & Resilience
1.6 Risk Assessment Tools - Part 1
1.6 Risk Assessment Tools - Part 2
1.6 Risk Assessment Tools
1.7 Monitoring, Communicating & Reporting
1.7 Monitoring, Communicating & Reporting
2. Module 2 - Enterprise Risk Management
2.1 Enterprise Risk Management
2.1 Enterprise Risk Management
2.2 Enterprise Risk Management - ISO 31000 - Part 1
2.2 Enterprise Risk Management - ISO 31000 - Part 2
2.2 Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000
2.3 Reliability & Risk Management - Part 1
2.3 Reliability & Risk Management - Part 2
2.3 Reliability & Risk Management
2.4 Risk Management as Strategic Imperative
2.4 Risk Management as Strategic Imperative
3. Module 3 - Implementing Risk Management in Hospitals
3.1 Conditions of Safe Practice - Clinical Risk Management
3.1 Conditions for Safe Practice
3.2 Implementing Risk Management in Hospital
3.2 Implementing Risk Management in Hospital
4.1 Risk Management Overview
4.2 Risk Assessment Review
4.3 1 Tool - 1 HIRA Worksheet - Hazard Identification
4.3 2 Tool - 2 HVA sheet
4.3 3 Tool - 3 FMEA Worksheet - Crash Cart
4.3 3 Tool - 3 FMEA Worksheet - HAPU Prevention
4.3 4 Tool - 4 Risk Maturity Assessment Tool
4.4 RMM Audit Management Guide 2021 Updated
4.5 Failure to Diagnose Myocordial Infarction [Case Study]
4.6 Significant Post-Surgery Complications [Case Study]
4.7 Article - Risk Based Multilayer-risk-management-for-COVID-19
Risk Based Approach to Covid [Case Study]
IHI FMEA Worksheet - Crash cart
IHI FMEA Worksheet - HAPU Prevention
4. Quiz
MasterCLASS Risk Management in Healthcare : Quiz

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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